Jesus- King of Creation


Main Passage:

Revelation 5


Notes and Cross References:

A topical study of the universal reign of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.

Jesus is…

Worthy to govern (power, might, dominion)

Raise your understanding of King Jesus from an earthly king with a kingdom to an Author of a world and story

Worthy of all adoration (glory, blessing, wisdom)

Raise your understanding of worship from some song you sing to God every week or every day for a short time to a constant attitude of worship

Worthy of all obedience (honor, dominion)

Lower your understanding of sin from a small mistake that you have legitimate excuses for to an ungrateful rebel of a generous King… worthy of eternal punishment

We are worthy of punishment for our sin.

We were made to be vice-regents to rule under God over His earth.
We rebelled and chose Satan and ourselves, cursing the earth and bringing death
God gives a promise of a King that will defeat the Prince and take back His domain
That King is Jesus and He defeated rebels by dying for them and rising to give them new life through faith in Him

He is unworthy of the suffering of the cross
He is worthy of our obedience as His bride





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