What is the Kingdom of God?



Notes and References:

Jesus’ kingdom was not “of this realm”

– John 18:33-38

1. Jesus established His kingdom but it is currently a spiritual kingdom!

2. This cannot be the millennial kingdom, because the millennial kingdom seems to be a very literal kingdom that physically alters the earth to remove the sin curse which effects nature and gives people the correct love and knowledge of God



The church is called a nation and kingdom

– 1 Peter 2:9

– Revelation 1:6

– Colossians 1:13

– Matthew 16:17-19

– 2 Corinthians 10:3-5


Definition of the Kingdom of God / Heaven:

Many verses of the Gospels about the kingdom make it hard to discern if Jesus is talking about the millennial kingdom or the church or something else

Jesus is simply using Jewish vocabulary that Israel was waiting for to show them that the kingdom they had been waiting for was close because the king was there!
Jesus doesn’t make it clear whether or not the “kingdom of God or heaven” was the church or the millennial kingdom

Some parables about the kingdom of God seem to refer to the kingdom but some can be applied to the church

Both the church and millennial kingdom are called kingdoms. Yet they do/will share the same perfect King: Jesus!

There is a clear difference between the millennial kingdom and the church elsewhere in the bible

The church is spiritual
The millennial kingdom is physical

The kingdom of God / Heaven seems to include both of the these groups of people

That is why many theologians say that the kingdom is an umbrella term that refers to general kingdom of light that Jesus established as King… but has not fully completed as He has not returned and fulfilled it by conquering the whole world

It is the group of people saved by believing in the gospel and are therefore in submission to King Jesus their Lord

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